Thursday, December 31, 2009
10 on Tuesday (on Thursday)
1. Read my Bible more
2. Have a more structured prayer life
3. Do more "school" with Sam and Sophie
4. Lose weight. I'm not gonna say how much. Just lose some.
5. Establish a regular exercise routine
6. Make more time for my husband
7. Implement a cleaning schedule
8. Spend more time with each individual child.
9. Breastfeed until Maggie is 1
10. Get the kids rooms situated
wanna see other people's resolutions? 10 on Tuesday
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
10 on Tuesday on Wednesday LOL
1. the awe of God becoming man. some people say santa makes Christmas magical. i say Christ does.
2. seeing family we only get to see at this time of year and catching up.
3. cookies!
4. no dieting!
5. days off--from school, from work, from extracurricular activities...
6. Christmas specials on tv
7. Christmas carols
8. SNOW! the big white fluffy kind <3
9. pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice lattes
10. presents of course! giving and getting.
view other people's here: 10 on Tuesday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Menu Plan Monday 12/21-12/27
Monday: pizza and carrots with ranch. (making sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies)
Tuesday: mexican pizzas and rice (making cranberry white chocolate cookies, snowball surprise cookies and pecan round cookies)
Wednesday: grilled cheese, tomato soup and wheat crackers (make pumkin pie and pecan pie)
Thursday: (breakfast)~ cheddar popovers and hash browns. (lunch at our house)~ ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean cassarole, rolls and homemade pumpkin pie.(dinner at in-laws)
Friday: (breakfast: christmas morning egg and sausage cassarole, overnight caramel apple cinnamon rolls) dinner~ parmesean alfredo tilapia with mixed veggies over angel hair and rolls.
Saturday: Christmas with the other side of the in-laws.
Sunday: Christmas with my family.
Want to see more menus? check out Menu Plan Monday.
Monday, December 7, 2009
mama's holiday wish list
TodaysMama and Provo Craftare giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.
1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year? a new wedding ring from my hubby since i lost the diamond out of mine over a year ago and have been waiting for him to fix or replace it ever since, a new coat because mine is falling apart after 7years of use, a blender because mine smells like burnt rubber when i use it, a food processer for making baby food since mine has a crack in it and leaks whenever i use it and the 70th anniversary edition wizard of oz dvd pack.
2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received? 2 years ago my wonderful husband made a jar labeled "101 reasons i love you". inside, he handstamped 101 little pieces of paper with hearts then wrote a reason he loves me on each one. i don't think he'll ever top that! LOL!
3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle? i'd really like to make scrapbooks for people. i take bunches of pictues where ever i go and it would be nice to make books for people, unexpectedly, of special times in their lives. (weddings, birthday parties, etc)
4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child? my electric typewriter
5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year? my 11 year old son wants nerf dart tag, my 3 year old son wants an imaginex bat cave, my 2 year old daughter wants a leapster and my baby just wants stuff to chew on!
6. What is your favorite holiday food? cookies! all kinds of cookies. i am the baker in our family and everywhere we go, i'm the one who brings cookies.
7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays? nothing this year because of the new baby.
8. What is your favorite holiday movie? a charlie brown christmas!
9. Favorite holiday song? o holy night--martina mcbride style
10. Favorite holiday pastime? baking cookies!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas giveaway! (39 in one place)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Merry Christmas Maggie!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Oreck Halo
Friday, November 6, 2009
Gumdrop Lane
Christmas is coming!
So anyway, check back here every day for new ideas on gifts for Christmas 2009.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
10 on tuesday
well, that is the subject of todays 10 on tuesday. i just have to say that i don't consider most of these a waste of time....
1. enter giveaways at online-sweepstakes
2. see what everyone else is up to via their facebook status
3. while on facebook, check out your farm on farmville...
4. ...and don't forget checking in at yoville
5. join a meme and post to your blog (don't have one? go here)
6. do random searches on swagbucks to earn points for free gift cards
7. earn honeycombs at bzzagent for free products
8. of course i check my email on yahoo....while i'm at it, i read the headlines
9. sometimes i actually take care of my neopets
10. i love finding deals and freebies at the coupon high
my first gratituesday post
this week i want to voice my gratitude for my family. the very people who i love the most are the same people i want to have a vacatin from sometimes! i am so grateful for 4 healthy, intelligent children---even when they make messes and whine and disobey. i'm thankful i have a loving, christian husband--even when he leaves his socks on the floor or he lets the trash go so long that i have to start another bag. all of the little inconveniences are so worth it in the grand scheme of things. i'd rather do the dishes 3 times a day and wash 12 loads of laundry a week than be without them. thanks you Lord for my family.
you can see the other gratituesday posts here:
to do tuesday (nov. 2)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
To Do Tuesday (OCT. 27)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Christmas came early for me!!
1. Speed. This is the fastest company I've ever won anything from. The period from winning to eating was MAYBE a week. My prizes have never come that quickly before. I don't complain about the wait or anything because, hey, they're free. These people were on the ball though. And I like that in a company.
2. Presentation. It really did feel like Christmas when I opened the packing box. Inside was a lovely jar of carmel sauce wrapped in tissue paper and a box with a gorgeous fall scene on it. When I opened the box there was a nice note and more pretty paper. There was also a catalog in the box so I can order more brownies---which I will ABSOLUTELY be doing for Christmas gifts!!
3. Here's the best part---Taste! These are the freshest, moistest brownies I have ever tasted! I love to bake and I love brownies but I have never had anything that came close to these tasty treats.
There was one of each of the 12 flavors: original (nothing original about it--DELICIOUS!), pecan (with whole, fresh pecans on top), walnut (I love brownies with nuts but can't usually make them because Chris doesn't), espresso nib (HEAVEN!!!), mint (austin's favorite!), white chocolate (i don't even like white chocolate stuff and I enjoyed these!), caramel, raspberry swirl, chocolate chip, peanut butter, cream cheese and toffee crunch. i haven't tried the last 6 yet, that's why there aren't any comments by them.
On the label of the caramel sauce (which is so good, it's sinful) are the phrases "luscious beginnings, fairytale endings" and "a taste so enchanting, it could only be called...fairytale". I couldn't agree more!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
20 random q's about me
1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging? i'm not much of a snacker. i like to drink a homemade latte with whipped cream though :D
2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without? God. my faith is what keeps me sane most of the time!!
3. Beach, Mountains or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice? farm! i know it would be a lot of work, but so rewarding!
4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty? dishes! i do dishes 3 or 4 times a day and there is still always something in the sink.
5. Who do people say you remind them of? used to be winnie from the wonder years
6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying at home with the fam? i like a good balance of both. i love to be at home with my family but once a month or so a good get together is refreshing.
7. What's your all time favorite movie? the wizard of oz!
8. Do you sleep in your make up or remove it like a good girl every night? ummm....i don't really wear makeup. on the rare occasions i do wear it, i usually leave it on.
9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it? i'd love to fluently speak spanish and make great scrapbooks.
10. What's one strange thing you're really good at? memorizing the annoying songs on childrens videos?
11. What first attracted you to your spouse? his uniquness. he didn't care what anyone thought. he was his own person.
12. What is something you love to smell? there are so many things: coffee, homemade foods on the stove/in the oven/crockpot, clean pampers, a new magazine, a new babies head, my daughters washed hair.
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people. i'm loud. there are many times when i am irritated and people have said "you don't need to yell at me!" and i'm like "i'm not yelling! i'm ALWAYS this loud!" they just seem to notice it when i'm mad i guess?
14. When you have extra money (HA!) what's the first thing you think to do with it? eat out. we very rarely eat out so it is a splurge when we do.
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest? LOUD!! and obnoxious. LOL! my kids make me laugh the most.
16. Where is your favorite place to shop? anywhere there is a sale! i LOVE getting a good deal. especially if i can use coupons and a sale together. that's the best! if i have to pick a store though, i enjoy aldi for groceries and walmart for other stuff.
17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time? study my Bible scrapbook
18. Are you a big spender or frugal? frugal. isn't everyone with any sense?
19. Who is your favorite character of all time (from a movie or book)? (Can't be real) at this time probably bella from the twilight novels.
20. Would you want to be famous? no because then everything you do is looked at under a microscope. as a mom, that would be terrible! it's hard enough when you make parenting mistakes--who needs the world to judge them too???
Monday, October 12, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
breakfast: cheerios w/ milk; vanilla yogurt
lunch: cajun chicken ceasar salad on wheat tortillas; honeydew melon; 1 cup milk; 1 mini snickers
dinner: chicken and veggie stirfry; brown rice; 1 c milk; 2 rolls
2 snacks: grapes; chips
breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg; orange; wheat toast w/ butter; milk
lunch: grilled cheese; tomato soup; wheat crackers; apple; cup of milk
dinner: grilled chicken with peppers; lentil soup; chips; salsa
2 snacks: chocolate pudding; orange; pretzels
breakfast: cheerios w/ milk; yogurt
lunch: loaded baked potatoes; apple; granola bar
dinner: pork chops; brown rice; carrots; green beans; cottage cheese; applesauce; roll
2 snacks: strawberries; popcorn; cupcake
breakfast: hard boiled eggs; orange; wheat toast w/ butter; cup of milk
lunch: turkey sandwiches; pretzels; pear; cup of milk
dinner: wheat spaghetti w/ meat sauce; broccoli; wheat bread; apple
2 snacks: fig newtons; apple; graham crackers
breakfast: cheerios w/ milk; yogurt
lunch: chicken chef salad; 2 rolls; orange; wheat crackers; cup of milk
dinner: pork tenderloin; brown rice; broccoli; roll w/ butter
2 snacks: fig newtons; grapes; pretzels
breakfast: cheerios w/ milk
lunch: pbj; chips; bananas
dinner: eat out for sweetest day <3
2 snacks: animal crackers; pudding
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
10 on tuesday ~ 10 things I want, but can't afford
1. new livingroom furniture (the kids and cat would just tear it up again anyway.)
2. a new car (one that doesn't have a leaky sunroof)
3. a week long vacation to maine (with a hotel suite, a rental car and spending $$)
4. a new computer (with a fast internet connection and a great graphics card)
5. a camcorder (to capture at least one of my kids' first's)
6. a contractor to remodel our house (i don't want to move, but our house lacks a lot)
7. the best curriculum bought brand new for the rest of our school years (hey, a girl can dream...)
8. the new addition built onto the church (we are $150k short as of now)
9. a gym in my home (but i guess i couldn't buy the time to use it anyway...)
10. new beds for my family (a nice big king size for us, a new full for austin, a twin for sam, a princess canopy for sophie and a nice crib that turns into a toddler bed for maggie.)
To Do Tuesday ~ Oct. 6

this is my first to-do tuesday. i'm just going to do my list for today. then i'll check back tomorrow with what i accomplished.
1. wash all the laundry (about 5 loads)
2. fold all the laundry and put away.
3. make cheese enchiladas.
4. get olive garden for mentoring tonight.
5. scrub the bathtub.
6. start planning LIFE meeting.
7. write blog for bzz campaign on softsoap.
8. clean out my inbox.
9. go through the box of clothes in the livingroom and put away.
10. get out halloween decorations.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Simple Woman's Day Book ~ Oct 5
I am thinking... i can't wait for the kids to go to bed. i want to watch a movie with my hubby :)
I am thankful for... my wonderful in-laws (most of them anyway...)
I am t-shirt, blue sweater, black yoga pants and pebbles socks
I am remembering... everything i need to get done today
I am going... to eat a REALLY tasty apple later. it has carmel, chocolate, almonds and coconut on it!
I am reading... "keeping my childrens hearts" by the maxwells
I am hoping... we get to go to maine this year.
On my mind... i really need to set up a schedule so i don't waste so much time on here.
From the learning rooms... starting the last history lifepac! 3 more weeks and we will be starting mystery of history.
Noticing that... maggie is starting to sleep less and needs to be stimulated more.
Pondering these words... i can do all things through christ who strengthens me.
From the kitchen... chili, chicken noodle soup, biscuits, homemade goodies---it must be fall!
Around the house... i need to clean!!!
One of my favorite things~ carmel apples!
sunday stealing (on a monday)
1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? coffee
2. Where was your profile picture taken? my hallway
3. Can you play Guitar Hero? never tried--never want to
4. Name someone who made you laugh today. What was it about? samuel, because he is such a suck up when he wants something.
5. How late did you stay up last night and why? 11 pm because we were out of town then had to come home and get everyone settled in bed and feed maggie.
6. If you could move somewhere else where would you and why? i don't want to move anywhere else.
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? yup :)
8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? shelly
9. Do you believe ex's can be friends? With benefits? no
10. Do you like Dr. Pepper? yes
11. When was the last time you cried really hard? Really hard as opposed to just sniveling? when i thought about maggie being my last baby
12. Who took your profile picture? chris
13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? maggie
14. Was yesterday better than today? Why? everyday is good in its own way.
15. Can you live a day without TV? sure. i do it every sunday.
16. Are you upset about anything now? nope
17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? always
18. Are you a bad influence? i hope not.
19. Night out or night in? night in
20. What items could you not go without during the day? computer
21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? i can't remember
22. What does the last text message in your inbox say? i don't text
23. How do you feel about your life right now? a little stressed
24. Do you hate anyone? hate is a bad word
25. If we were to look in your Facebook inbox, what would we find? one message from my cousin.
26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes
27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? yes
28. What song is stuck in your head?none
29. Someone knocks on your window at 2 a.m., whom do you want it to be? i don't know but it better be an emergency!
30. Do you (or did you) want to have grandkids before you’re 50? if my kids are married.
31. Tell us your Saturday night. homegroup. pizza, prayer and fellowship.
32. Do you think too much or too little? probably too much.
33. Do you smile a lot? usually
Menu Plan Monday~ October 5
Sunday: Quaker steak and lube with the in-laws.
Monday: chili and biscuits
Tuesday: my family will be eating cheese enchiladas, refried beans and rice. i will be having olive garden with my mentoring group.
Wednesday: pizza, salad and cake
Thursday: chicken noodle soup and saltines
Friday: spaghetti, salad and garlic bread
Saturday: tune helper, mashed potatoes and green beans
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday 5~story
2. What’s a story someone else often tells about you, much to your chagrin? austin likes to tell embarrassing stories about me a lot. example: when i beat a video game and it was way lame. i stood up and said "that's a bunch of crap" but when i said crap, a huge burp came out.
3. What oft-told story from a chapter in your life seems to be remembered differently by different people who were there? pretty much my entire childhood is seem differently from my mother's p.o.v.
4. What are some of the details, without retelling the whole story, of a story you’ve told often but never to your parents? i don't really think there is one.
5. What song would be an appropriate soundtrack to the story of your most embarrassing moment? "sleepwalker"
Friday Fill-ins #144
1. I have a history of _repeating my mistakes____.
2. ___Why teenagers act the way they do__ is something I wish I knew.
3. I'm eating (or recently ate) ___tortilla chip pie. sam actually ate it only because it had the word pie in it___.
4. ___I don't like to talk when I am driving____ on the road.
5. So that's it, that's __the way it's gonna be__.
6. __Something is___ better than nothing!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to scouting out coupon matchups online to use tomorrow, tomorrow my plans include grocery shopping and home group and Sunday, I want to go to my father-in-laws church and then PA!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
13 websites I love
2. (gotta see what my friends and family are up to. oh, and check my farm of course :D )
3. (click on the widget in my sidebar to check it out!)
4. (i've just started visiting but it's a great place for blogger moms)
5. (this site started my love affair with giveaways)
6. (their grocery gathering is the best place to find blogs with lists of the current best deals in stores!)
7. (this woman is funny and makes the best food i've ever seen!)
8. (great place for conservatives to get the news!)
9. (my local library website. i'm a library nut. i have my library card number memorized. i know. i'm special.)
10. (i don't get to go on there much anymore but i am directly responsible for getting my sister and my son hooked : P )
11. (it's just around the corner!)
12. (the greatest site for black friday ads!)
13. (great site for freebies, coupons, recipes, talking to other moms...something for everyone!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!
Click the post title to see the other participants.Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Well whaddya know? I guess I'm an AP mom!
Let me explain my 7 B's ....
1. Birth bonding
Rooming in with my babies was always very important to me. It was very hard with Sam and
Sophie being in the NICU for the first 3 days. It was so special to have Austin and Maggie
rooming with me for the entire hospital stay.
2. Breastfeeding
I always knew I wanted to bf. Even when I had Austin and I was only 16 and knew no one
who breastfed their kids, I still gave it a try! I've been a big bf advocate to friends. I even
talked my best friend into doing it and she wasn;t even going to try! She ended up doing it for
about 9 months before her son weaned himself. I tried 3 times before finally getting it right
with #4. Now it seems like second nature! I love knowing I'm doing what's best for me and for
3. Babywearing
With my boys, I only wore them in a front carrier and only if I absolutely had to. With Sophia,
I bought a maya wrap and she loved being in it. I wore her until I was too far along in my
pregnancy with Maggie to wear her anymore (she was about 18 months). With Maggie, she
will only tolerate the front carrier right now but I hope she warms up to the wrap as she gets
better control of her head and neck. I enjoy the wrap more and can get more done when using
it instead of the front carrier.
4. Bedding close to baby
I have co-slept with all of my children. I enjoy the closeness and the fact that we both sleep
better that way. I think it is harder to break myself of co-sleeping than it is my kids! They are
in their own beds most of the night by 18 months and all night by 2.
5. Belief in the language value of cries
I don't let my kids "cry it out". In fact, when they are small (under 9 months or so) I try not
to let them cry at all. This elicits a lot of complaints since she usually cries when any one but
me tries to hold her for longer than 10 minutes :) I don't like being ignored when I need
something so I give my kids the same respect.
6. Beware of baby trainers
I like reading magazines but when they have advice that doesn't fit my family's lifestyle
choices, I skip to the next article. I won't compromise my beliefs because Dr. so-and-so or
supermanny tell me it's the wrong thing.
7. Balance
Now, don't get me wrong, I have a life outside my kids. God comes first, so if I'm praying or
reading my Bible and they want something, they have to wait. Also, I do take advantage of
bassinette in the pack n play when I want to spend time with the hubby. We will let the boys
occasionally stay with grandma and papa overnight and Sophie can stay with them for a few
hours during the day if needed.
Are you an AP? I'd love to hear your story! Blog about it and leave the link here. Or just leave a comment on this post!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
3 things every parent should teach their child
2. Jesus is coming again--for you! This point will transform (if properly grasped) how they live their lives. Everything else looks insignificant in comparison to eternity.
3. God wants a relationship with you! Builds self-esteem, confidence and love to know that the creator of the universe loves you!
Special thanks to Hand Sanitizers for sponsoring this blog hop.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook for September 28
Outside my window... windy, cold and drizzly. the perfect fall day!
I am thinking... about how quickly maggie is growing. it makes me sad.
I am thankful for... 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep last night!!
I am wearing... my nursing night gown.
I am remembering... the maxwell's words from the conference last week.
I am going... to the homeschool get together friday.
I am reading... nehemiah for mentoring, several magazines and "higher hope" by robert whitlow.
I am hoping... God gives us an unmistakable sign about where we should be.
On my mind... chris and austin starting youth group wednesday.
From the learning rooms... trying to get maggie on a schedule. getting sam and sophie away from the tv more. finishing up history lifepac with austin so we can start mystery of history in a few weeks. also, working on teaching austin to cook.
Noticing that... my moods change with the weather.
Pondering these words...if you don't have your children's hearts someone else will.
From the kitchen... apple cinnamon cake, pumpkin crisp, shrimp scampi
Around the house... enjoying that perfect time when we don't need fans or the furnace.
One of my favorite things~ having conversations with maggie.
Menu Plan Monday
monday: chicken fajitas and rice
tuesday: shrimp scampi, salad, rolls
wednesday: pizza, salad, chips and apple cinnamon cake (first night of youth group)
thursday: tortilla chip pie
friday: brinner (breakfast for dinner- eggs, waffles and hash browns)
saturday: homegroup (pizza. taking pretzels, chips and dip)
Sunday Stealing: A Fall Meme
It’s not really fall in until... i can pack up all the shorts and tank tops
If you could only attend one major sporting event what would it be? watching michael phelps swim
If you could manipulate the time space continuum and give as many as three pieces of advice to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give and to what age of you? 1: to 11 year old me- "don't start smoking" 2: to 12 year old me "don't start dating. you're wasting time! God already has the perfect man picked out for you." 3: to 16 year old me "enjoy austin's labor because it's the only traditional delivery you'll ever have."
Who among your friends do you really wish had a blog because their stories, or perspective on something ought to be shared? it would be cool if anyone i know blogged!
If you were to take an e-cation (vacation from the trappings of our electronic world,) and assuming that employment obligations would allow it, how long of a break could you take? What would you miss the most, the least? no way! two days tops! i have to check my email and fb. i'd miss my giveaways most.
On September 11th of this year, I attended a couple of parties and was somewhat conflicted by the fact that this ignoble anniversary shall pass with it being just another day in the eyes of many (and in some ways my own eyes as well.) Thoughts? i read nehemiah 4:14 for the first time that day.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday 5 ~ Books
- What are the titles of the last three books you read all of? "runner" by thomas perry; "deeper water" by robert whitlow and "homeschooling with a meek and quiet spirit" by teri maxwell
- What are the titles of between three and five magazines you subscribe to or used to subscribe to? parents, better homes and gardens, the old schoolhouse, teach magazine and tv guide
- What’s on your night table? the air conditioner! it need put away! also, a baby monitor we don't use, a case of dried up wipes and a flashlight that needs batteries. yeah, we don't spend much time in the bedroom anymore.
- What are the three best things that happened to you in the past seven days? got rid of a bunch of junk at the garage sale, learned a lot at the maxwell conference and God forgave me...again.
- What was your senior yearbook quote, and what would your yearbook quote be this year if there were such a thing? i dropped out in 10th grade. it probably would have been carpe diem because i was always saying that back them. these days it would probably be a scripture reference of some sort. maybe jeremiah 29:11
friday fill-in's #143
2. __I wish I had more godly teaching________ when I was young.
3. Mama told me ___there'd be days like these________.
4. ___Just between________ you and me.
5. Take your time ___to find the person God chooses for you________.
6. ____This too_______ will pass!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __bedtime___, tomorrow my plans include __a birthday party and a vow renewal/reception___ and Sunday, I want to __rest up for the week___!
My giveaway wins as of 9/25/09
an egg shaped bank
zosephine diaper bag
a prize pack from bellybar (twice!!)
protect a bub car seat shade
a box of cleaning supplies from sun and earth
a snack container for toddlers
a bowl and spoon set for babies
an apron from caroline's aprons
4 betty crocker gluten-free mixes and 2 free coupons
sand castle set from gift hero
snack samples from snikkidy
a dress for sophie from zutano
sahale nuts (see previous post from the day i got these)
star olive oil set
$25 gift card to delicae gourmet
"my husband rocks" t-shirt
$20 gift card to wendy's
I'm a winner...and you can be too!
In any case, the bottom line is: I'm a winner. Some things are impressive (a $98 zosephine diaper bag!) and some are more modest (car seat shade from protect a bub) but either way, the thrill of winning is wonderful!
Do you want to be a winner too? All of the blogs that I have buttons for on the left offer giveaways! That is how I found them. So, if you're feeling lucky, go ahead and click on a button (any blog button) and enter away! You may get a pleasant surprise.
p.s. If you win, come back and let me know!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
13 reasons I love being at home
Thursday 13
1. I don't have to pump to feed my baby!
2. I never miss a "first" (smile, step, giggle)
3. I have the primary influence in my kids' lives.
4. When I'm feeling sad/angry/chaotic there's always someone to give me a hug and make me better.
5. My kids will remember me being with them all day, not a stranger.
6. I can homeschool.
7. It saves money (no daycare, gas, car upkeep, etc.)
8. I have time to make a real dinner for my family to sit down and be together every night.
9. I'm the one there answering the questions that come to my child's mind throughout the day.
10. I've learned more patience at home with my children than I ever did anywhere else!
11. I get to play and learn all day--and it's my job!
12. I'm having an opportunity to shape the future of the world (x4!)
13. It's right where God wants me.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!
Simple Woman's Daybook~~FOR TODAY...September 24

Outside my window... hot and muggy. not what i'd want in an autumn day.
I am thinking...there are many changes that need to take place in my home and family. thank you to the maxwells who showed me some of those things.
I am thankful for...the family God has blessed me with. even in the rough patches.
I am capris and a grey nursing tank
I am remembering...the love i had for each of my children the very first day they were born. sometimes it is hard to keep that first love---just like with our relationship with the Lord.
I am a birthday party and vow renewal wedding this saturday.
I am reading..."keeping our children's hearts" by the maxwells.
I am continue on in the path the Lord has set before me without wavering as often as i've been.
On my mind...finishing up the school week.
From the learning rooms...history test today. science tomorrow. i need to call and set up a field trip to the firehouse before the weather gets bad.
Noticing children really do follow the example i set.
Pondering these words..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
From the kitchen...made meatloaf muffins last night and they turned out pretty good. even sam ate them! that recipe's a keeper! linguini romano is tonight.
Around the house...the livingroom and sam's room were spotless and organized when i got home from mentoring last night--thank you austin!! need to fold some laundry (as always) and do up the dishes (again).
One of my favorite things~maggie chuckling at sam
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Stealing---part 2
27. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? oooo that's a hard one! i'll say sleep since i get so little of it!
28. Do you look like your mom or dad? a little of both
29. How long does it take you in the shower? 15 min., tops
30. Can you do the splits? never have been able to
31. What movie do you want to see right now? the new harry potter
32. What did you do for New Year’s? not much since i was pregnant :) my sister and nieces came over and we had our annual fondue party.
33. Do you think The Grudge was scary? i didn't see it. i don't watch scary movies.
34. Do you own a camera phone? no
35. Was your mom a cheerleader? i seriously doubt it.
36. What’s the last letter of your middle name? e
37. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? altogether?? 6 maybe.
38. Do you like Care Bears? sure
39. What do you buy at the movies? popcorn, cherry coke and some sort of chocolate
40. Do you know how to play poker? yes
41. Do you wear your seat belt? always
42. What do you wear to sleep? pajamas
43. Anything big ever happen in your hometown? not really
44. How many meals do you eat a day? 3 meals, 1 snack
45. Is your tongue pierced? not anymore. it closed up.
46. Do you always read MySpace bulletins? not anymore. i'm a fb addict now.
47. Do you like funny or serious people better? funny people who know when to be serious.
48. Ever been to L.A.? nope.
49. Did you eat a cookie today? yes
50. Do you use cuss words in other languages? no but i know a few
51. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? neither
52. Do you hate chocolate? WHAT?!
53. What do you and your parents fight about the most? nothing really. we don't talk much.
54. Are you a gullible person? i don't think so.
55. Do you need a girlfriend to be happy?
56. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what what would it be? i'm doing my dream job already :)
57. Are you easy to get along with? i like to think so.
58. What is your favorite time of day? 8 pm
Menu Plan Monday
Sunday: salmon patties, cheesy noodles, green beans
Monday: corn and wild rice soup with rolls
Tuesday: pizza, carrots with ranch, pretzels
Wednesday: linguini romano, green beans and rolls
Thursday: black beans and rice casserole, tortilla chips
Friday: meatloaf muffins, mashed potatoes and salad
Saturday: (eating at Paula's reception)
Friday, September 18, 2009
What's it take?
- What does it take to get you to grab the mic and sing in a karaoke room? lots of alcohol
- What does it take to get you to give up a whole Saturday to hang out with people you don’t like? someone i love asking me to go
- What does it take to get you out of bed without your hitting the snooze button? a crying baby or a hungry child
- What does it take to get you to take someone else’s turn at a really unpleasant task at work or home? it not getting done when i want it to be
- What does it take to get you to eat something you really dislike? a new way of cooking it or a lot of spices
Friday Fill-ins
1. My car _makes strange noises_.
2. _Halloween__ is coming up next.
3. Lately, things seem ___to be breaking often _.
4. _Online_ is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.
5. What happened ___to being able to leave things laying around and your door unlocked without being afraid of thieves?__
6. _Peace_ is not impossible!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _getting things packed up in the car for the garage sale__, tomorrow my plans include _selling lots of stuff at the garage sale__ and Sunday, I want to __have a true day of rest!__
~Thursday 13 ~ 13 things I never want to forget
1. My love for Jesus
2. What it feels like to have a person growing inside of me
3. Why I married Chris
4. The importance of family
5. The smell of a new baby's head
6. The view from the top of Cadillac mountain
7. The feeling I had the day I was baptized
8. To put love before law
9. To cherish every moment God has given me
10. It is better to give than to receive
11. How it feels to have a whole day to do NOTHING
12. The joys of being surrounded by family on the holidays
13. The feel of the crisp fall air
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!
I know, it's not Sunday
1. The phone rings. Who will it to be? the library
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? i try to park by a cart corral so i can
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? in any setting i'm more of a talker
4. Do you take compliments well? not usually
5. Do you play Sudoku? no. i'm not math-brained
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? if it was God's will, he'd show me how
7. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? yes
8. What was your favorite game as a kid? i didn't really play many games
9. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew she /he was married, would you? i'm married. either way, no.
10. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? no
11. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? either
13. Do any songs make you cry? lots do
14. Are you continuing your education? yes, by homeschooling :)
15. Do you know how to shoot a gun? not yet, but chris will be teaching me soon
16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? yes
17. How often do you read books? not much time to anymore
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future? i'd have to say all pretty equally
19. What is your favorite children’s book? "i'll love you forever"
20.What color are your eyes? brown
21. How tall are you? 5'2 3/4"
22. Where is your dream house located? in heaven :)
23. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? my kids!
24. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? oh geez. about a year ago!
25. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? the living room? lol!
26. Do you like mustard? only on hot dogs with ketchup
The Simple Woman's Daybook~Sept. 18, 2009

Outside my's starting to look like fall!
I am wonderful it is to have a baby who wants me by her side all the time.
I am thankful for... the cooler weather, shorter days and approaching holidays.
I am wearing... pajama pants and a nursing gown
I am creating...this week's grocery list and menu plan
I am (hopefully) get rid of a lot of clutter tomorrow at the garage sale
I am reading...magazines (that's all i have time for!) and the book of nehemiah with my mentoring group.
I am hoping...the Lord reminds me each and every day how special my children are and to cherish each moment with them.
On my mind...getting things purged for the sale tomorrow
From the learning rooms...enjoying the new science curriculum. it's wonderful to learn science in a biblical way.
Noticing that...the little things are becoming more important to me.
From the kitchen...lasagna, garlic bread and salad for dinner
Around the house...the bathtub needs scrubbed, next weeks lessons need planned and set out, artwork on the walls needs taken down so there is room for new stuff and the whole house needs dusted.
One of my favorite things...the smell of my baby's neck.
A few plans for the rest of the week: garage sale, church, groceries
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sahale snacks
The big brown truck came today. I received: Soledad almonds which are almonds with apple, flax seed, dates, balsamic vinegar and red pepper; cashews with pomegranate and vanilla; and a brown shirt that says "who says indulgent can't be healthy?".
Of course, as with all of my freebies that come, the kids were just as excited as I was. When I get new products there are 4 testers that try it out!
First we tried the almonds. I was a little worried about Sophie with them because they have a tiny little bit of heat at the end. She liked them though. So did Austin and I. Sam licked it and gave it back to me.
Next we tried the cashews. Sweeter and very tasty. Everyone enjoyed them. Austin wanted more but I said no. I'm saving these for my secret stash ;)