so someone got into my yahoo account and basically screwed up my whole online life. the email i've been using for years now is disabled thus sending all of my sweepstakes entries out the window! grrr....
so now my gmail email is my new main one because i hear yahoo stinks when it comes to protection from hackers, etc. does anyone know of a way i can forward my emails from an old account to a new one?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
this just in....
i just checked my email and had an email from kraft about a new feature they are using called "chat threads". you and i both have the chance of winning amazon gift cards if you click this link and take a short survery after you read my previous blog post about their products!!
jeanine's chat thread
jeanine's chat thread
I heart kraft!
i love kraft.
they have great food, they're always coming out with something new and they really make their customers feel valued.
case in point:
the other day, i opened my mail to find coupons (6 to exact!) to try some of their new items~~for FREE!!

i know the pic isn't great so let me tell you what is there:
one FREE kool-aid fun fizz drink drops
one FREE kraft homestyle deluxe macaroni and cheese dinner
one FREE digiorno deep dish single
one FREE 100 calorie pack cheese bites
one FREE oscar mayer deli fresh shaved meats
one FREE ritz crackerfuls
i've already used all of these coupons. here are my thoughts...
the kids LOVE the kool-aid fun fizz drink drops. we got the grape flavor. tastes just like real kool-aid from a pitcher. not at all watery (which i have found to be true with other by-the-glass products). you can make one glass of kool-aid at a time. that means chris and i love it too because then our pitcher is free to hold iced tea for us :) why don't we buy another pitcher? well, that's a whole other story.
i knew the crackerfuls would be a hit. we've bought them before and liked them. we got the 4 cheese kind. my kids get a kick out of the fact that the crackers are so big.
do i even need to write about the 100 calorie cheese bites? if you know our family you know we are cheese lovers. all except sam. not sure what went wrong there. anyway...the cheese bites lasted 2 days.
we ate the homestyle deluxe mac and cheese for dinner last night (with fish and green beans, just in case you were wondering). i added shredded sharp cheddar to the top. everyone loved it. except sam who doesn't like anything cheesy. see above. maggie ate his share. there were no left overs.

we're having the deli fresh shaved meat (i got the honey smoked turkey breast) for lunch today. i'll have to let you know how that goes over.
i have digiornio planned for chris for dinner on wednesday because i'm making a crock-pot meal with meat in it. i got a cheese deep dish for him with the coupon. i'll get back to you with his opinion.
if you want to try new things from kraft too, check out their first taste program. and if you need some inspiration for dinner or a pot luck (or really any meal!) check out the kraft recipes page. i got my pasta salad recipe there and that is always my go to recipe for get togethers in the summer. whenever someone compliments me on it i always say i found it on the kraft recipes website.
they have great food, they're always coming out with something new and they really make their customers feel valued.
case in point:
the other day, i opened my mail to find coupons (6 to exact!) to try some of their new items~~for FREE!!
i know the pic isn't great so let me tell you what is there:
one FREE kool-aid fun fizz drink drops
one FREE kraft homestyle deluxe macaroni and cheese dinner
one FREE digiorno deep dish single
one FREE 100 calorie pack cheese bites
one FREE oscar mayer deli fresh shaved meats
one FREE ritz crackerfuls
i've already used all of these coupons. here are my thoughts...
the kids LOVE the kool-aid fun fizz drink drops. we got the grape flavor. tastes just like real kool-aid from a pitcher. not at all watery (which i have found to be true with other by-the-glass products). you can make one glass of kool-aid at a time. that means chris and i love it too because then our pitcher is free to hold iced tea for us :) why don't we buy another pitcher? well, that's a whole other story.
i knew the crackerfuls would be a hit. we've bought them before and liked them. we got the 4 cheese kind. my kids get a kick out of the fact that the crackers are so big.
do i even need to write about the 100 calorie cheese bites? if you know our family you know we are cheese lovers. all except sam. not sure what went wrong there. anyway...the cheese bites lasted 2 days.
we ate the homestyle deluxe mac and cheese for dinner last night (with fish and green beans, just in case you were wondering). i added shredded sharp cheddar to the top. everyone loved it. except sam who doesn't like anything cheesy. see above. maggie ate his share. there were no left overs.
we're having the deli fresh shaved meat (i got the honey smoked turkey breast) for lunch today. i'll have to let you know how that goes over.
i have digiornio planned for chris for dinner on wednesday because i'm making a crock-pot meal with meat in it. i got a cheese deep dish for him with the coupon. i'll get back to you with his opinion.
if you want to try new things from kraft too, check out their first taste program. and if you need some inspiration for dinner or a pot luck (or really any meal!) check out the kraft recipes page. i got my pasta salad recipe there and that is always my go to recipe for get togethers in the summer. whenever someone compliments me on it i always say i found it on the kraft recipes website.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
i know, i know. i should be posting about all the great new products i've found, like i promised...
at this moment though, all i can do is go on a little rant because i am so fed up. fed up with people twisting the word of God for their own selfish gain. tired of people's flawed logic on biblical mandates like going to church. tired of people claiming to be Christians and then valuing nothing that the Lord values.
it sickens me.
and these people are facebook friends and family members. they are people who know the truth (or did at one time) and now reject it. some are people i used to respect, look up to and learn from. people who have seen the hand of God...but somewhere along the way they forgot.
case in point: there is some group or app or something of the sort that says something along the lines of "going to church doesn't make you a christian anymore than being in a garage makes you a car". now, while i agree with this, there have been one too many comments such as "you don't have to go to church to be christian" to allow me to overlook it. the process of salvation does happen in your created soul between you and the Lord Jesus; however the bible also tells us not to forsake meeting together. (Hebrews 10:25). twisted logic. failed logic. corrupting people who don't have the motivation or desire to look a little further into the Truth to learn. and several of my facebook friends and family members joined that group.
it's sad to me.
and angering.....
leading others astray through social media. welcome to world of technology. seems like evangelicals have their hands even more full now. God help us.
at this moment though, all i can do is go on a little rant because i am so fed up. fed up with people twisting the word of God for their own selfish gain. tired of people's flawed logic on biblical mandates like going to church. tired of people claiming to be Christians and then valuing nothing that the Lord values.
it sickens me.
and these people are facebook friends and family members. they are people who know the truth (or did at one time) and now reject it. some are people i used to respect, look up to and learn from. people who have seen the hand of God...but somewhere along the way they forgot.
case in point: there is some group or app or something of the sort that says something along the lines of "going to church doesn't make you a christian anymore than being in a garage makes you a car". now, while i agree with this, there have been one too many comments such as "you don't have to go to church to be christian" to allow me to overlook it. the process of salvation does happen in your created soul between you and the Lord Jesus; however the bible also tells us not to forsake meeting together. (Hebrews 10:25). twisted logic. failed logic. corrupting people who don't have the motivation or desire to look a little further into the Truth to learn. and several of my facebook friends and family members joined that group.
it's sad to me.
and angering.....
leading others astray through social media. welcome to world of technology. seems like evangelicals have their hands even more full now. God help us.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
i'm such a slacker...
why am i such a procrastinator when it comes to my blog? i always think up such interesting posts but never get around to actually posting them. hopefully now that school is mostly done for the summer i will have more time and motivation to stop by here and say hi. hopefully there are still people out there wanting to read! LOL! whoever hasn't abandoned me......i will be posting soon about some of my favorite products. i love sharing my opinion about products and i've found a few recently that i REALLY want to tell you about.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Me from A-Z
Got this cute idea from a few of the blogs I found while partying over at the 5 minutes for moms UBP.
A is for AUSTIN. my firstborn.
B is for BOOKS. i love reading when i have time.
C is for COFFEE and COUPONS. i'm an addict to both!
D is for DANCING WITH THE STARS. which is just one of the many, many "reality" shows i love. (right behind big brother and the bachelor)
E is for EASTER. my favorite holiday.
F is for FACEBOOK and FARMVILLE. two surefire places to find me.
G is for GOD'S WORD. i love studying the Bible.
H is for HOMESCHOOLING. i love learning with my kids at every stage.
I is for ICED SWEET TEA. which i love almost as much as coffee.
J is for JESUS. my Savior and my Lord.
K is for KIDS. i have 4. i pray i'm blessed with more :)
L is for LIFE MEETINGS. those are the monthly women's fellowship meetings that i lead at my church.
M is for MAGGIE. my baby girl.
N is for NOT GETTING DRESSED. i love lounging around in my p.j.'s.
O is for ORANGE. my favorite color.
P is for PIGS. i love pigs and one day, when all my kids are grown, will own one of my very own.
Q is for QUIVERFULL. it is God's choice when i have enough children.
R is for "RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST". and proud of it!!
S is for SAM and SOPHIE. my sweet middle's.
T is for TEEN MOM. i was one. God used it to make me the woman i am today.
U is for UNITY. this is what my husband and i strive for in our marriage.
V is for VERY LOUD. i'm loud when i'm happy, i'm loud when i'm mad. i'm just a loud person. deal with it.
W is for WICKED. my favorite play based on my favorite movie.
X is for .... i can't think of an X. can i do another W? of course i can! it's my blog :) W #2 is for WINE. my hubby makes great wine ;)
Y is for YOUNG. besides one friend i am usually the youngest person in a crowd. (1 just turned 28).
Z is for ZIZZER-ZAZZER-ZUZZ. as you can plainly see. reference from dr. suess. all you mom's should get that....
if this inspires you to do an A-Z post, be sure to link it here!! i wanna read it.
A is for AUSTIN. my firstborn.
B is for BOOKS. i love reading when i have time.
C is for COFFEE and COUPONS. i'm an addict to both!
D is for DANCING WITH THE STARS. which is just one of the many, many "reality" shows i love. (right behind big brother and the bachelor)
E is for EASTER. my favorite holiday.
F is for FACEBOOK and FARMVILLE. two surefire places to find me.
G is for GOD'S WORD. i love studying the Bible.
H is for HOMESCHOOLING. i love learning with my kids at every stage.
I is for ICED SWEET TEA. which i love almost as much as coffee.
J is for JESUS. my Savior and my Lord.
K is for KIDS. i have 4. i pray i'm blessed with more :)
L is for LIFE MEETINGS. those are the monthly women's fellowship meetings that i lead at my church.
M is for MAGGIE. my baby girl.
N is for NOT GETTING DRESSED. i love lounging around in my p.j.'s.
O is for ORANGE. my favorite color.
P is for PIGS. i love pigs and one day, when all my kids are grown, will own one of my very own.
Q is for QUIVERFULL. it is God's choice when i have enough children.
R is for "RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST". and proud of it!!
S is for SAM and SOPHIE. my sweet middle's.
T is for TEEN MOM. i was one. God used it to make me the woman i am today.
U is for UNITY. this is what my husband and i strive for in our marriage.
V is for VERY LOUD. i'm loud when i'm happy, i'm loud when i'm mad. i'm just a loud person. deal with it.
W is for WICKED. my favorite play based on my favorite movie.
X is for .... i can't think of an X. can i do another W? of course i can! it's my blog :) W #2 is for WINE. my hubby makes great wine ;)
Y is for YOUNG. besides one friend i am usually the youngest person in a crowd. (1 just turned 28).
Z is for ZIZZER-ZAZZER-ZUZZ. as you can plainly see. reference from dr. suess. all you mom's should get that....
if this inspires you to do an A-Z post, be sure to link it here!! i wanna read it.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Welcome UBP 2010 hoppers :)
hey there everyone! this is my first UBP so i'm not sure what i'm doing here. mostly i'm SUPER excited about meeting new people and expanding my reader base. i'm fairly new and inexperienced in the blogosphere. more of a reader than a writer. looking to find others to learn from and be inspired by.
a little about me:
*i'm a christian
*i'm 28 years old
*i live in northeast ohio; but i'm originally from canton, ohio and was born in connecticut.
*i have 4 children (11, 4, 2.5 and 9 months) 2 boys and 2 girls.
*i homeschool my children and i love it!
*i'm addicted to facebook and farmville.
*the library is my second home (i have me card number memorized...)
*i'm extremely conservative and not afraid to stand up for what i believe in!
so there's that. nothing too interesting. maybe as the party progresses i will add more random things about myself. thanks for stopping by and PARTY ON!
p.s. there are prizes to be won people!! i'm supposed to list which ones i like best and would like to win...HOW CAN I CHOOSE?? i think i'd like any of them. here is my list of most preferred prizes though...if i win of course ;) in no particular order:
~OBVIOUSLY i' d love to win the Toshiba Satellite laptop.
~a $100 gift cert from Amy at earnest parenting or thrifty jinxy.
~gift cert for a 2 night stay at any hilton garden inn provided by Hilton Garden Inn.
~a tupperware prize pack from Heather at marine corps nomads.
~$25 gc to the disney store from Kristin at couponing to disney.
~a recipe binder collection from Spring Lake Village Gifts.
~$25 target gc from the frugal novice.
~$25 gc to starbucks from Janice Yureck.
~$50 gc to costumes inc.
~the itty-bitty bookworm curriculum for 18-36 month old children.
~$50 build-a-bear gc from Liza Schwab
wow...there are A LOT of prizes available! i'd love to win any of them! here are a few more of the number i'd love. want to see what they are? here is a total list of prizes : UBP prize list.
96, 100, 105, 106, 107, 112, 113, usc3, usc8, usc15, usc21, usc22, usc25, usc32, usc36, usc37, usc40, usc41, usc44, usc45
if i am lucky enough to win any of these (or the other) AWESOME prizes, i will blog about them after i get them! stay tuned :)
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